Monday, August 28, 2006

Drip, drip, drip...

It's official, no turning back now.

Last month, I started this blog with the intention of tracking our son's progress with chelation. It's been relatively uneventful as we've completely altered his diet and now have him loaded up with vitamins and minerals as well. Don't get me wrong, it's been a major struggle most days, but I think it's been less painful than we thought it would be.

Today, though, was the turning point. And it's from here on out that we find out whether this is going to help or not. After preparing his body with the diet and biomeds, he got his first IV dose of DMSA today. He did an absolutely amazing job during the procedure and I could not be more proud of him. He climbed right up on the examination table, let us wrap him up, and pretty much let the dr. insert the needle and insert the fluid.

Now, since I'm at work, my wife gets the job of trying to get him to drink 6-8 oz of water every 30 minutes and collecting the next 6 hours worth of urine. Fun!

Once we get the results of the metals (if any) in his urine, we then work out a schedule for the chelation over the next few months.

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