Wednesday, September 19, 2007

old is new

Last week's school quandary had to be solved quickly, and it was. Staci talked to the principal and got her to agree to a choice - either Owen would go to the K/1st grade combo with his existing teacher or he would go to a new K class with a new teacher. However, either option would involve moving from the "late hour" to the "early hour".

Staci also talked to Owen's teacher, to Grant's teacher, as well as a few other adults. Owen's teacher really wanted him to come with her to the new combo class. They have quickly bonded, and it's clear that she is getting through to him. Grant's teacher had worked with her several years ago and recommended that he stay with her. Ultimately, the choice was easy. Since the major pain in this change was really the change in the hour, and since we were going to lose the "late hour" schedule either way, it was purely a "what's best for Owen" question. He likes his teacher and she likes him. He's loving school and he's ready to be challenged by being in a class with 1st graders. So, this past Monday he started his new class and it's gone very smoothly.

As for the schedule change, Staci is making it all work. She drops him off on her way to work - no problem there. However, since he gets out 30 minutes before Staci is off work, the real trick is what happens after school. Going to an after school day care is really expensive and seems senseless for such a short period of time. So, the plan is for me to work from home 1 or 2 days a week and pick him up. The other days, Staci's mom will pick him up and bring him over when Staci gets home - thanks, Grandma!

1 comment:

AngelaFerreira said...

Hi Steve nice to meet you busy dad!