Sunday, April 29, 2007

Consolation prize

How is it that I go a week without posting when everyday is full of new stories from the kids, new challenges, and new achievements? Somehow, by the time I sit down to read blogs at around midnight, I've forgotten everything that I tried to remember. I'm constantly amazed how other parents can write almost daily and turn out incredible prose. Oh well, maybe I'll figure it out someday. In the meantime....

Last weekend, Owen got busted for something and was sent to his room. He was crying quite a bit while I talked to him about the issue when Grant walked in. Usually if Grant walks in during something like that, he would either cover his ears and walk out, or take my hand because he wants something. Not this time. He came in the room because he heard Owen crying! He walked right up to him and gave him a hug, saying his name "Owen". Incredible!

First, he reacted to something he heard from another room. Second, it wasn't something interesting like a video or toy sound, it was his brother. Third, he gave a very appropriate hug and showed concern. It seems like such a short time ago that Grant wouldn't respond to anything, a shorter time ago when he was not able to say any of our names, and even shorter when he would have just hit Owen for making noise.

Gotta love it!

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