Monday, April 16, 2007

words that move me

Just a hallway apart, two boys with amazingly different verbal skills go to bed...

Owen, at 4, is much like Cassidy was at 4. The words flow - new ones, funny ones, everyday comes with plenty of words to enjoy. Tonight, as Staci was saying prayers with Owen, he began,
"Dear Jesus, thank you for this day..." and then he began singing "I had a bad day" with a sly smile on his face. You just never know what's going to come out of his mouth next - he is hilarious!

Over in Grant's room, I was writing words on his Magna Doodle to have him read them. Tonight we were mostly doing Toy Story words. Buzz (Buh), Woody (Woody) - wait! he put the D in Woody, first time ever! It has always been Woo-ey, but tonight it was clear as a bell 'Woody' - wow! Then, a few words later, I wrote 'Rex'. I didn't think he knew that one so I said it to him and then a "roar". He tried to say Rex, and then then he said dinosaur! I had no idea he even knew what a dinosaur was, let alone that he could say it! Not only that, but he had all 3 syllables too!

Two great kids, each pushing their own limits in their own ways, thrilling us as parents who desire to see our kids reach their full potential.


LAA and Family said...

It's nice when the day ends on such a positive note! That's terrific that Grant got the "d"! It's been a few years, but I well remember all the practise we did with Samuel on his articulation. He worked for a long time on it, and made a marvelous leap in articulation when he was seven. Now just about anyone can understand his speech.

Best wishes!

Maddy said...

Bed time routines are as much for me as they are for them I sometimes think.
Best wishes