Tuesday, May 01, 2007

A month of birthdays

Thursday is the official start to "birthday month" at our house, when each of the 3 kids turns over the next number in the odometer. The unofficial method of celebration is to give a "big" party for the important numbers - whatever that means. So, Owen gets the big party later this month for his 5th; we're still in the early planning stages on that one. Cassidy will have some friends over for swimming/slumbering for her 12th (next year she gets a "big" party). And, Thursday, Grant turns 8.

Grant loves - LOVES - birthdays. He loves the cake. He loves candles. He loves presents. He loves being the birthday boy. He loves watching others celebrate their birthday. Unfortunately, with his diet, regular cake is a bit out of the question. So, hopefully, he will enjoy our best effort at a birthday cake for him - it will look like a cake, it will slice like a cake, will it taste like a cake?

In full disclosure mode, we haven't yet decided what to get Grant. What do you get the boy who asks for nothing? I'm always tempted to go for the "educational" toys - not only will they be fun, he will learn too! Hmm, how many of those toys have actually panned out? Not many. Nah, I think it's best to just get him something he will enjoy. Let's see, what does he enjoy?
gameboy/gamecube games
teletubbies/dora/blues clues/toy story - you get the idea

Now, how do we translate that into gifts by Thursday? Help?!


GClef1970 said...
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mysamiam said...