Monday, November 26, 2007

Lucky 7's

Thanks to March Day who has tagged me for the 7 random facts about myself meme - here are the rules:
1) Link to the person that tagged you, and post the rules on your blog.

2) Share 7 facts about yourself.

3) Tag 7 random people at the end of your post, and include links to their blogs.

4) Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

Interestingly enough, my only previous tag was for 8 random facts about myself, so either I'm just a random kind of guy or else others know that I really don't like to talk about myself (wait, I'll use that for #1!).

#1 - Ok, not so random anymore, but I don't like to talk about myself. It's been obvious to me since I was a little kid as others would talk about themselves and I'd think, "hmm, I should be able to tell a story about myself like that..." but when it comes to a conversation, very rarely does a thought about myself come to mind. And if it does, I rarely feel as if it would be interesting to the other party.

#2 - My favorite season is Spring - it always has been and probably always will be. But, man, the allergies suck! I never had a hint of allergies until... one day... we were in the middle of a field full of 2-3 foot wildflowers and weeds surveying the land that would one day become my in-laws house. The sneezing hit me fast and hard and I've never been the same since. Every year from late March to mid July, I am one big mess.

#3 - I watch a little too much TV, although a lot less than I did growing up. My 3 favorite shows are Lost, Prison Break, and 24 although I also watch too much reality TV like Survivor and the Amazing Race.

Ok, those are totally boring, let's get really random.

#1. I've owned 2 VW bugs, the current one for the past 20 years. The first one I totalled in one of those accidents that you look back and wonder how you walked away from it. The current one is a 71 convertible that is in pretty bad shape at the moment.

#2. I've learned several instruments over the years - violin, piano, drums, handbells, and a bit of guitar. I can play what I read, but I can't play what I hear. It drives me crazy because I love to play but I just have no ability to translate what I hear into music.

#3. One thing I love to do even more than play music is to sing. However, there are very few things that I am worse at in life than singing. Once again, that drives me crazy! My singing ability barely rivals this guy.

#4. Speaking of singing, I love American Idol and I'm man enough to admit it. I love Kelly Clarkson and Carrie Underwood but I've even got Jon Peter Lewis on my MP3 player.

#5. One of my favorite things is watching and playing football. My favorite team has always been the Pittsburgh Steelers. Have I ever been to Pittsburgh, you ask? No, I was born and raised here. But when I was about 8 and in my formative years for both infatuation and football loyalty, a family from Pittsburgh with a very cute 8 year old girl moved in down the block. The rest is history. Erin, do you realize what effect you've had on my life? :)

#6. I've been playing softball for about 20 years now and am probably best known for my "stretch" at 1st base. Other than my siren, this is probably the one thing that people come up to me and recognize me for.

#7. When it comes to 'night owl' vs 'morning person' - I am a 100% night owl. Even as I write this, it's 12:30AM and I would stay up for another 1-2 hours if... heck, I probably will. I am completely useless in the morning, even if I do fall asleep at a decent time. My perfect morning is sleeping in, then coming down to a big, hot breakfast, and reading the paper cover to cover.

I'll have to come back and add my tags...


Anonymous said...

Considering you do not like to talk about yourself, I thought this was an awesome list! For the record, I'm very interested in what you have to say, and thus the reason I keep coming back here for more.

But, I do understand what you mean. I never think that anything I have to say would be very interesting to others either, and I really do not like talking about myself. Funny that I have no problem with blogging, though.

Anonymous said...

Aha! What a good sharer you are and so multi talented.

I'm also in the night owl department, but I'm also extremely grumpy in the morning.

Mary said...

Jon Peter Lewis... was he the guy Simon said looked like a pen salesman? His standout performance for me was Elvis's "A Little Less Conversation."