Sunday, October 14, 2007

powerful curve

Sometimes the momentous moments take a few seconds to sink in. The kids were in the hot tub, enjoying the hot water and bubbles while I was semi-conscious in front of the football game.
"Daddy?" I heard from the door. Hmm, Owen must be wanting to get out. Ok, just a minute as I make the incredible effort to get up on my feet.
"Grant?" Wait a minute, that was Grant calling me? With the intonation of a call, a request, a question? Did I really hear it the right way or I was I just in a dream state? I hop up quickly and run to the door. There he is, standing at the door, looking up at me as if to say, "um, didn't you hear me. I would like a towel, please."
"Ok, Grant, I'll be right back. I'll go get some towels." He waited there at the door, his wet skin chilling in the late afternoon sun. I ran back down the stairs and wrapped him up in a towel.

A question mark, at the end of a word - just a silly little curve with a dot at the end. But when it comes out of Grant's mouth, it carries the weight of the future. Calling me, asking for me - could we really be on the cusp of hearing questions from Grant? Did he really put that lilt in his voice to ask a question? Only time will tell...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, only time will tell. But for now, I'm with you on the message I'm taking from your post - celebrate the little moments when you realize you could be on the cusp of something truly exciting.