Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Trickery will get you everywhere

Yesterday, Grant lost his "Hollywood Video" right at the beginning of class. He completely understood the situation, but he did not continue to hit; he knew he'd crossed the boundary - that is great news in and of itself.

At the end of the day, Grant's teacher gives Staci his "Daily report" with the smiley or frowny face next to Hollywood video written at the top. Grant, of course, sees this transaction every day. This day, knowing that he's lost his prized trip, snuck the report out of his backpack prior to Staci picking him up. Then when it was time to leave, he tried to take another boy's report off of the teacher's desk to pass off as his own! Hmmm - they'll never notice, right? I love it!

Thinking ahead, thinking outside the box, thinking about what "others" will see - all totally skills that he showed off with this little trick.

1 comment:

Frogs' mom said...

Wow! What a great display of ability and tricky talent. Isn't it amazing how our kids teach us to look for the development and skill underlying every behavior - Most parents would take the skill and forethought that went into this rouse for granted, be disappointed and get on with the punishment. But here on the spectrum, we all celebrate the creativity if not the intent of such actions :0)