Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Can't do it

I tried, I really did. I've listened, I've thought. But McCain's response to this outrageous Bush/Paulson proposal has just illuminated what I was trying to ignore. I can't vote for McCain/Palin - as much as I want to. As much as I am deathly afraid of Obama becoming president.

There is only one respectable choice for president - Ron Paul. He will be my vote on November 4, regardless of his chances to win. He is the only candidate who has the right course charted for our country and the only one who will receive, with conscience, my vote.


Dr.Rutledge said...

Hi Steve,
I'm an academic physician (formerly at Harvard and Stanford) who found your blog while looking for the best health writers. I think your writing is great! I would like to feature you in the Autism & Autism Spectrum Community on Wellsphere, a top 10 health website that has well over 2 million visitors monthly.

If you would like to learn more, just drop me an email to Dr.Rutledge@wellsphere.com

LAA and Family said...

Ron Paul was our guy too this election! My eleven year old is especially a fan of his. There are some great on-line video clips of his policies. My husband and son have been watching them.

While I'm VERY discouraged about the election outcome, I'm hopeful that so many young people like Ron Paul. Maybe the "Ron Paul Revolution" will happen one of these days thanks to them.

By the way, have you found it is difficult to discuss your political beliefs amongst others in the autism community? The assumption is often made that parents of children with autism want a government that gets bigger and bigger and they think that is the only way we will get the help we need for our children!